Sunday, January 2, 2011

Complications--The Reason

So...I kind of, sort of, maybe messed up my other blog of random thoughts...hence the reason this one was made. =)
So, the reason I made this, was to make it another journal-type thing.

Dear Fellow Dreamer,

I thought I would take a moment to say, life is hard. I think it's a good thing though. Ya know, we all go through things that are really hard for us at the time. Sometimes it feels as if the whole world is conspiring against us, trying to break us down to feel so small and insignificant that we forget who we are.

WhO aRe We?

We are all children of God. Sons and daughters of a King. I heard something interesting on an inspirational talk on cd today that I received from my loving parents. The speaker said that, maybe sometimes we just hear that phrase so much, "I am a Child of God," that it just becomes something that is more said repeatedly in our minds than something that is an important part of our conscious reality.

I am a Child of God.

He loves me, unconditionally, and answers my most sincere prayers.

Sometimes I forget who I am. Sometimes I forget that those around me are probably experiencing more tough things than I could ever imagine. Sometimes I just get so caught up in my own problems that I forget that they probably need help, too.

I feel that no one should feel hurt, or insignificant.

We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.

Everyone is important in His plan.

So yes, life is hard, but it will be worth it.

"I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

Keep loving, serving, and dreaming. Never forget who you are.

It's a new year, a new chance to start again.


Erin (.^_^.)

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